Speaker Bios

Bios for just some of our event speakers appear below.

Presenter Bios for 2024 Meth & Courts Webinar

Helen Harberts - Consultant & Attorney at Law

Helen Harberts has been working in criminal justice since 1983, serving as a prosecutor and chief probation officer. As a chief probation officer, she started one of the first 40 DWI courts in the United States. She wrote the community supervision chapter of the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) Judicial Benchbook and co-wrote the Supervision Guiding Principles of DWI Courts. She continues to train on supervision matters across the United States.

Dr. Brian Meyer - Psychology Program Manager, Central Virginia VA Health Care System

Brian L. Meyer, PhD, LCP, is a clinical psychologist and the psychology program manager and supervisory psychologist for the community-based outpatient clinics at the Central Virginia Veterans Administration Health Care System and an assistant professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Dr. Meyer has worked in the child welfare and the child adult mental health fields as a clinician, administrator, teacher, policymaker, program developer, expert witness, researcher, consultant, and trainer. He has been the deputy clinical director of the New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department Protective Services Division; the executive director of the Albuquerque Child and Family Guidance Center; the executive director of the Virginia Treatment Center for Children; and the interim associate chief of mental health clinical services, the workplace violence prevention coordinator, and the PTSD-SUD specialist at the Maguire VA Medical Center for over 11 ½ years.

In his current roles, Dr. Meyer oversees psychologists at five (soon to be six) regional VA community clinics; provides evidence-based treatments for veterans who have problems with PTSD, substance abuse, depression, traumatic brain injury, and other co-occurring conditions; trains psychology trainees; and develops and conducts research on treatments for PTSD, substance abuse, and comorbid conditions. He is a nationally in-demand speaker who has given over 400 presentations and trainings on a wide range of content areas., Including the treatment of trauma and comorbid conditions, substance abuse, complex trauma, the effects of trauma and substance abuse on families, veterans mental health, mindfulness meditation, secondary traumatization and self-care, trauma-informed courts, and treatment courts. He is also the co-author with Dr. Jarrod Reisweber, of Transcending Self Therapy: Group Integrative Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Book for Facilitators (2019), a treatment manual for people with substance use disorders.

He obtained his AB from Harvard University in 1980 and his PhD in clinical psychology with a specialization in adolescents and families from Duke University in 1990.

Presenter Bios for 2023 Champions Summit

Click here for speaker summaries, plus agenda and other event details -- for September 2023 four week event.

Presenter Bios for FCOSR 2022 Webinar & Virtual Events series:

March 25, 2022 - Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Drug Courts & the Criminal Justice System: Enhancing Utilization & Addressing Service Barriers

Douglas Marlowe

Doug Marlowe, J.D., Ph.D., is a Senior Scientific Consultant for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) and Senior Science & Policy Advisor for Alcohol Monitoring Systems. Previously, he was the Chief of Science, Law & Policy for NADCP, the Director of Law & Ethics Research at the Treatment Research Institute, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.  

A lawyer and clinical psychologist, Dr. Marlowe studies the impact of coercion in substance use treatment, the effects of drug courts and other rehabilitation programs for persons with substance use disorders involved in the justice system, and behavioral treatments for persons with substance use disorders and justice system involvement. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, has received proficiency certification in the treatment of psychoactive substance use disorders from the APA College of Professional Psychology, and is a designated Master Addiction Counselor by the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals.  

Dr. Marlowe has published over 175 journal articles, monographs, books, and book chapters on the topics of correctional rehabilitation, forensic psychology, and treatment of substance use disorders. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for Advancing Justice, serves on the editorial boards of Criminal Justice & Behavior and the Drug Court Review, and was previously the Editor-in-Chief of the Drug Court Review.

March 4, 2022 - Behavioral Health: Approaches for Lasting Addiction Recovery

Dr. John Kelly

  • Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School
  • Founder and Director of the Recovery Research Institute at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
  • Associate Director of the Center for Addiction Medicine at MGH, and Program Director of the Addiction Recovery Management Service
  • Past President of the American Psychological Association's (APA) Society of Addiction Psychology, and an APA Fellow
  • Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology
  • Widely published and an author of the U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health
  • Read more about Dr. John Kelly

SMART Recovery

Featuring a team of SMART’s national leaders, including:

  • Christi Alicea, Assistant Executive Director
  • Mike Hooper—Ohio Outreach Director SRUSA
  • Dr. Joseph Gerstein, MD —Co-Founder of SMART

Also speaking:

  • Barry Grant—Owner, SAFE Counseling Services
  • Kevin Minnick—Probation Officer, Hancock County IN

Note: Mark Ruth—Executive Director SRUSA was scheduled to speak as well but called to jury duty

Marcia Elder  

  • OSCA Lead Staff, Florida Courts Opioids & Stimulants Response
  • 35 years’ experience heading a multi-disciplinary statewide consulting firm
  • Professional experience with varied motivational & behavioral health modalities
  • Certified in Neuro-Associative Conditioning
  • Past Trainer with Anthony Robbins Seminars (10 years)
  • Masters degree, Environmental Engineering

Presenter Bios for FCOI 2021 Virtual Workshop & Webinar series:

Jessica Hulsey

Jessica Hulsey is founder and CEO of the Addiction Policy Forum, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to elevating awareness around substance use disorders and helping patients and families in crisis. They work to end the stigma around addiction while translating science and provide services in all 50 states.

Ms. Hulsey has more than 25 years’ experience in the field of prevention, treatment, and policy solutions to address substance use disorders. She serves on the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse and is a Board Member for the federal DEA Educational Foundation (Drug Enforcement Administration, US Department of Justice).

She has testified before the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis and both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, including having  worked on passage of H.R. 6, the SUPPORT Act, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, the Second Chance Act, the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act and the Drug-Free Communities Act, to name a few.

She also works to build stakeholder engagement and science translation for the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN), funded through the National Institute of Health (NIH) HEAL Initiative.

Some of her former roles include: Policy Associate/Director, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America; Director of Government Affairs, The Council of State Governments Justice Center; US Presidential Appointee, Drug-Free Communities Commission; Board Member, National Association of Children of Addiction (NACoA); and a Congressional aide. She is a graduate of Princeton University.

Dr. David Mee-Lee, MD

Dr. Mee-Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist and is certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM). He trains and consults both nationally and internationally. Dr. Mee-Lee has been the Editor-in-Chief of all editions of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, ASAM’s criteria, including The ASAM Criteria – Treatment Criteria for Addictive, Substance-Related, and Co-Occurring Conditions, Third Edition (2013).

Dr. Mee-Lee has over 40 years’ experience in person-centered treatment and program development for people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions. He also is co-founder of the Institute for Wellness Education.

He writes and speaks in down-to-earth, jargon-free language and makes learning challenging and enjoyable. Audiences consistently express high satisfaction with his combination of rich content and practical approach delivered in his engaging style. His also down-to-earth upbringing in Australia coupled with his Chinese heritage make for an interesting mix of dry humor and quiet wisdom.

Further details: http://www.davidmeelee.com/motivating-and-engaging-hardtoreach-people


Presenter Bios for FCOI 2020 Virtual Workshop & Webinar series follow:

September 25, 2020 Ethics & the Law: Considerations for Problem Solving, Dependency, Drug Courts

Douglas B. Marlowe, J.D., Ph.D. is a senior scientific consultant for the NADCP, senior science and policy advisor for Alcohol Monitoring Systems, and CE training consultant for the Global Institute of Forensic Research. Previously, he was the chief of science, law, and policy for NADCP, director of law and ethics research at the Treatment Research Institute, and adjunct associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

A lawyer and clinical psychologist, Dr. Marlowe has received numerous research grants to study coercion in substance use disorder treatment, the effects of drug courts and other diversion programs for individuals with behavioral health disorders involved in the criminal justice system, and behavioral treatments for persons with substance use disorders and criminal involvement. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and has received proficiency certification in the treatment of psychoactive substance use disorders from the APA College of Professional Psychology. Dr. Marlowe has published over 175 journal articles, monographs, books, and book chapters on the topics of correctional rehabilitation, forensic psychology, and treatment of substance use disorders. 

Judge Peggy Davis is a senior judicial fellow with NADCP. She serves as faculty for NADCP and the National Judicial College. She sits on the Missouri Drug Courts Coordinating Commission and is past president of the board of directors for the Missouri Association of Drug Court Professionals.

She is the retired drug court commissioner for the 31 st Circuit Court in Greene County, Missouri. Since 2000, she has, at various times, presided over the DWI court, adult drug court, family drug court, mental health court, and veterans court. She has also served as a member of the Missouri Supreme Court Alternative Treatment Courts Committee. In 2011, the Women’s Justice Awards recognized her contribution in the field of government and the law by naming her Public Official of the Year. She was one of the recipients of the Missouri Supreme Court Excellence in the Judiciary Award in 2016. She received her B.A. degree from the University of Oklahoma, with Highest Honors. She received her J.D. from Oklahoma City University School of Law. Judge Davis has practiced civil law and has served as a public defender for the State of Missouri, as an assistant prosecutor for Greene County, and as adjunct faculty for Ozarks Technical Community College.

September 18, 2020 Trends in Opioid and Stimulant Use in the United States; Potential Impact in Treatment Policy; Considerations for Courts

Mark W. Parrino, M.P.A.
President – AATOD – New York
American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependenc

Theodore J. Cicero, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Matthew Ellis, PhD(c)
Research Faculty Instructor
Washington University in St. Louis

September 11, 2020 Faces Behind the Cases In Daily Practice & Strategies for Engaging Participants

Recovery Panel :

Allie Severino is the President and Founder of Fresh Start Initiative. Fresh Start Initiative is a community- based outreach program based out of South Florida. Severino is certified through the National Council of Behavioral Health as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor as well as a current undergraduate. Severino Produces and hosts a docuseries, "Dopesick Nation", that airs on VICELAND network in the USA, AU, and the UK. Her television show was inspired by "American Relapse" a full-length feature documentary which dove into the world of those addicted and the ones tasked with treating the addiction. Beyond inspiring an award-winning television show, American Relapse became a 10x award-winning film.

Jaime Bridges is a former police officer and currently is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in addiction.

From the Bench :

Judge Hope Tieman Bristol - Administrative Judge for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, Dependency Division, Unified Family Court

J udge Steven Leifman - Associate Administrative Judge for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida and serves as Chair of the Florida Supreme Court Steering Committee on Problem Solving Courts

Judge Jeri Beth Cohen - State and national leader in addressing the opioid epidemic through the court system in both criminal and child welfare court

Magistrate Kimber Strawbridge - Presides over the Family Treatment Court program for Florida’s Fourth Judicial Circuit

September 4, 2020 Tools & Resources for the Courts

Terrence D. Walton

Terrence Walton serves as chief operating officer (COO) for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP). He is among the nation’s leading experts in providing training and technical assistance to drug courts and other treatment courts. Prior to being named COO in 2015, he was NADCP’s chief of standards. Before coming to NADCP, Mr. Walton was director of treatment for the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia. He also previously excelled as the director of what was then the District of Columbia’s leading adolescent outpatient substance use treatment center. Mr. Walton is an internationally certified alcohol and other drug abuse counselor with over 25 years of experience helping individuals and organizations champion positive change. He holds a B.A. degree in psychology and a master’s degree in social work with specializations in program administration and substance abuse. He is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). A gifted and entertaining speaker, Mr. Walton travels extensively, informing and inspiring audiences across the globe.

Juliet S. Gerstenfeld
State Opioid Director
Florida Department of Children and Families

Jack Ogozaly
Business Analyst & Trainer
Enfoglobe, LLC

Jennifer Grandal
Senior Court Operations Consultant
Office of Court Improvement
Office of the State Courts Administrator

Carrie Toy
Senior Court Operations Consultant
Office of Court Improvement
Office of the State Courts Administrator

Marcia Elder
Court Operations Consultant
Lead Staff for Florida Courts Opioid Initiative
Office of the State Courts Administrator

Over 30 years’ experience as a multi-disciplinary consulting firm CEO, project & programs manager, trainer, technical assistance provider, nonprofit association manager and business consultant. Former management roles with Florida Governor’s Office & two executive branch agencies. Master’s degree, Engineering. Bachelor’s degree, Sociology & Biology.

August 28, 2020 Practical Implications for the Courts

Judge Jeri Beth Cohen – NOTE: This presentation has changed. An expanded version of this topic will be addressed in our September 25 Webinar. Judge Cohen will speak on September 11 and we are also doing a special video interview with the Judge on multiple topics in September.

Dr. Barbara "Basia" Andraka-Christou

Dr. Andraka-Christou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Management & Informatics, with a Joint Secondary Appointment in Internal Medicine, at the University of Central Florida. Her research explores substance use disorder treatment from health services and health policy perspectives, including medication-assisted treatment barriers, person-centered care, and mobile health delivery.

Additionally, she leads a working group with other faculty and graduate students at UCF about substance use disorder treatment in the court system.

Dr. Andraka-Christou’s work has been published in elite substance use journals, including the International Journal of Drug Policy, the Journal of Addiction Medicine, the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Drug & Alcohol Review, and the American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse. She has appeared on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

She is the author of the book The Opioid Fix: America’s Opioid Crisis and the Solution They Don’t Want You to Have (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020) about the legal, health service, and culture barriers to medication-assisted treatment.

Dr. Andraka-Christou received her J.D. and Ph.D. from Indiana University and completed a postdoctoral research fellowship there. She received her B.A. summa cum laude from the University of Florida. She is a licensed attorney in Florida.

Paul Cary
Paul L. Cary, M.S., is Director of the Toxicology and Drug Monitoring Laboratory at University of Missouri Health Care in Columbia Missouri. For over thirty years, Mr. Cary has been actively involved in the management of a nationally­recognized toxicology laboratory (SAMHSA certified) that performs drug testing for drug courts, hospitals, mental health facilities, attorneys, coroners and medical examiners, athletic programs, and public and private employers. He has authored numerous scientific publications and monographs, has served on a variety of clinical and technical advisory committees, teaches at the university, is involved in drug testing research, and serves as a consultant in toxicology­related matters.

Mr. Cary has also provided judicial education including lecturing at the National Judicial College on alcohol pharmacology, the use of expert testimony and on drug testing issues. He has been certified as an expert and provided expert testimony in court (local, state and federal) and in labor arbitration. Mr. Cary has been a resource to drug court teams throughout the nation and overseas and serves as visiting faculty for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, the Center for Court Innovation, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the National Drug Court Institute.

August 21, 2020 

Raymond M. Pomm, M.D.

Dr. Pomm is an Addition Psychiatry Specialist in Jacksonville, FL and has over 40 years of experience in the medical field. He also is a Courtesy Associate Professor at the University of Florida College of Medicine.

Dr. Pomm has served as the Medical Director of the Florida Impaired Practitioners Program, which is the Physicians Recovery Network. In this position, he was a Consultant to the Department of Health and all of the associated healthcare Boards and Councils except the Board of Nursing. He was also a Consultant to the Department of Business & Professional Regulation. Dr. Pomm is an expert Consultant to the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.

He is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry with added qualifications in Addiction Psychiatry. Dr. Pomm is also certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine and a Certified Medical Review Officer. In addition, Dr. Pomm served as a member of the Governor=s Commission on Mental Health and Substance Abuse. He graduated from Meharry Medical College Medical School in 1980

Dr. Jason Hunt, MD

Dr. Jason M. Hunt is an assistant professor of addiction medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine, where he joined the faculty in 2017 to practice addiction medicine at the UF Health Florida Recovery Center.

Dr. Hunt earned his medical degree from the University of Illinois in 2002. He then completed an obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of Louisville in 2006. He completed a fellowship in addiction medicine at the University of Florida in 2017.

Before becoming an addiction medicine physician, Dr. Hunt worked as an advanced drug and alcohol counselor in Alabama and Tampa. Currently, his responsibilities include evaluating impaired safetysensitive professionals and caring for patients in the alcohol and drug detoxification unit at UF Health Shands Psychiatric Hospital. His interests and expertise are in ob/gyn, specifically opioid use disorders in pregnancy, substance use disorders, the evaluation and management of dual-diagnosis substance use disorders and substance-related impairment.

August 14, 2020 

Dr. Stephen Delisi, MD

Medical Director for Professional Education Solutions & Assistant Professor, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Center City, MN.

Formerly Assistant Dean of the Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies; Midwest Regional Medical Director for National Recovery Services at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation; Director of Psychiatric Services at Rush Behavioral Health-DuPage; and Associate Director of the Psychiatric Residency Program at Rush University Medical Center.

B.A. in biology and psychology, University of Illinois (1990); M.D., Loyola University Medical Center (1994); Neuroscience Fellowship – NARSAD, Loyola University (1997); Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Rush Medical Center (2001); Physician Leadership College, St Thomas University Opus College of Business (2016). Board Certified by American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (2002, 2012); Board Certified by American Board of Addiction Medicine (2012).

Dr. Marc Schlosser, MD

Dr. Schlosser is a medical provider for the C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers that provide comprehensive health, dental and pharmacy services to adults and children with or without insurance. The Brumback Clinics are owned and operated by the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, a diversified, public safety net health care system ensuring residents of Palm Beach County, Florida have access to health care services. Dr. Schlosser joined the Health Care District in February 2017 and administers the Brumback Clinics’ Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program which is a maintenance therapy program for patients with substance abuse disorders. The program combines the administration of FDA-approved medication along with behavioral health services, peer counseling and other social support services to help restore patients’ overall health and lives. Dr Schlosser is a consulting Physician at Access Recovery Solutions a Opioid Treatment Program in Delray Beach.

Dr. Marc Schlosser has been a practicing physician for over 30 years in Palm Beach County.  His advanced medical training includes board certification as an OB/GYN and Bariatrician and as a specialist in Obesity Medicine. Dr. Schlosser holds a SAMHSA Buprenorphine Waiver and has completed a fellowship in Obesity Medicine and Bariatric Medicine (ASBP). Dr Schlosser is a Diplomate of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

Dr. Schlosser completed his medical training at the University of Miami Medical School, Jackson Memorial Hospital.  He completed his Addiction Medicine Fellowship at IFH/Mt Sinai in NYC and has stayed on the Voluntary Attending Staff and continues teaching Medical Students and Residents.

August 7, 2020 

Dr. David Mee Lee, MD

David Mee-Lee is a leading expert in co-occurring substance use and mental disorders with over 40 years’ experience in person-centered treatment and program development. He is not your usual psychiatrist, nor is he your usual educator. He writes and speaks in down-to-earth, jargon-free language and makes learning challenging and enjoyable. Audiences consistently express satisfaction with his combination of rich content and practical approach delivered in his engaging style. His down-to-earth upbringing in Australia coupled with his Chinese heritage make for an interesting mix of dry humor and quiet wisdom.

David is a Board-certified psychiatrist and is certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM). David has trained and consulted for hundreds of organizations, ranging from small mental health centers to government departments and national behavioral healthcare companies. David has also authored a number of book chapters and papers in a variety of professional publications. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of all past and current editions of The ASAM Criteria.

David's medical, psychiatric and addiction treatment training began in his home country of Australia. From there it took him to Ohio, Massachusetts, Hawaii and eventually California. He has trained and consulted in almost every US state, and his international work has taken him to Australia, Canada, Germany, Guam, India, Japan, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau and the U.K.

Justin Volpe

Justin is a Certified Recovery Peer Support Specialist working with the 11th Judicial Circuit Criminal Mental Health Project, Jail Diversion Program since 2008. As a successful graduate of the program, Justin has firsthand knowledge of the importance of ensuring the availability of timely, high quality behavioral health treatment services in the community. After experiencing a series of psychiatric health care crises several years ago - which lead to a period of unstable living conditions, disruption of family and social supports, and brief involvement in the justice system - Justin became engaged in treatment and support services in the community. Today, he enjoys a full and productive life in recovery, serving as an inspiration and role model for others. Justin has also served as a National Consultant since 2011, and has travelled the country sharing his message of hope and inspiration. Justin has helped train over 2500 CIT Officers in Miami Dade County since 2008 and assisted in getting over 1000 people out of jail.  His experiences make him uniquely qualified to speak to the importance of ensuing people have access to care when and where they need it, as well as the unfortunate consequences that can result when they do not. Having overcome significant challenges, Justin is now married with a son and a homeowner.

Nancy McConnell, MSW, MCAP, CRPS-A

As Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer for Rebel Recovery Fl, Nancy had the opportunity to create, develop, and implement all programs that are currently being utilized. These include Peer Supportive services, outreach in the community which includes Naloxone distribution, educational trainings, expanding incarceration alternative programs, formatting peer programs in Drug Court and Early Childhood Court and the latest endeavor of building the county’s first Recovery Community Center with the goal of building community support systems and increasing access to peer support services. Nancy is an MSW, Certified Master’s Level Addiction Professional, (MCAP), Certified Recovery Peer Support, (CRPS), a certified trainer in the “Helping Others Heal'' curriculum and Advanced Level WRAP facilitator. Nancy oversees the development of all new curriculum for the Rebel Recovery Continued Education program and is a devoted advocate for LGBTQI, women, and harm reduction issues and currently is on the Florida Certification Board Behavioral Health Advisory Board and founding advisory board member of Higher Ground Harm Reduction. Nancy’s passion is a direct result of her own 30-year history with substance use disorder, incarceration, and experiencing homelessness for many years.

Wendy Buchanan

Targeted Case Manager

Certified Addictions Professional

Experienced and polished targeted case manager with over thirteen years of experience in Broward. I am committed to ensuring populations with SA, MH disorders receive services that meet their needs in a respectful professional manner.

Case Manager, The Starting Place Inc. (now Banyan), Ft. Lauderdale, FL — 9/2008 - Present

Coordinate and endorse services, programs and outreach to individuals in the court system.  Maintain highly confidential client records and information in accordance with HIPPA, Department of Children and Families and court administrative order.   Conduct intake and orientation of new clients and prepare manager progress reports.    Promote outreach services to community.    Make / participate in recommendations to Judge and legal counsel regarding sensitive and private material.    Monitor compliance of court ordered tasks.  Fulfill grant requirements in a timely fashion.  Link families to applicable resources.    Assist in training new hires. Collaborate with Childnet.

“My career in substance abuse and social work began in 2007 when I started my first job as a case manager at The Starting Place. I never left, only transitioned  to new Company names.  Case management has the versatility that I seek in a job and therefore never sought higher education. I received my Certified Addictions Professional (CAP) credential in 2012.  In 2016, I started working primarily with the agency's Juvenile Drug Court clients. In January 2019 I asked for a change to work with dependency drug court.     

One of my highlights of my career is getting my 200 hour yoga teacher certification in 2008. I was able to volunteer at Atlantic Shores Hospital and bring yoga to teens in residential treatment. 

When I am not working, I spend time with my husband of 23 years and 2 sons ages 22 and 18.  I still practice yoga regularly too!”

Cindy A. Schwartz

Cindy currently serves as the Project Director of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida Criminal Mental Health Project- Jail Diversion Programs. Her career goals have been focused on promoting system transformation, community integration and recovery. Cindy has a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University. She is a certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor, an Advanced WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) facilitator, Instructor of How Being Trauma Informed Improves Criminal Justice Responses, Consultant for the SAMHSA SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance (SOAR TA) Center and consultant for the SAMHSA GAINS Center. Cindy is also actively involved in her community and serves on a variety of professional organizations, boards and committees.

Last Modified: February 04, 2025